Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 to Giorgio Parisi

Among the winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 is the Italian scientist Giorgio Parisi, awarded the prestigious prize for studies on complex systems and “for the discovery of the interaction of disturbances and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales” .

President of the class of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the Accademia dei Lincei, full professor of theoretical physics at the Sapienza University of Rome and associate researcher of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (Infn), Parisi shares the recognition with the Japanese Soyokuro Manabe and the German Klaus Hasselmann, authors of research on climate models and global warming.

The award is a source of pride and satisfaction for all Italians and confirms the need to invest in the field of Research for the future of the new generations. The strategic importance of research and the key role it plays for the well-being of society, democracy and progress is an undisputed fact. Research is the engine of progress and development for the individual and for society in general.

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